Archived Bio Page
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Amity Green
Amity Green grew up in the mining town of Victor, Colorado. As a teen, Amity raised horses and developed a love of fauna and flora of the Rocky Mountains. She worked as a raft guide on the Arkansas River in her home town and later worked as a truck driver at the mine in Victor. Amity resides in a Victorian neighborhood in mountainous Manitou Springs. She started writing at the age of 19 and is now a published author of urban fantasy novels and several anthologies with fellow horror and fantasy writers. Her novel SCALES, which was created when she studied in London, wins 5 Star reader reviews. Amity’s current work in process is PHANTOM LIMB ITCH, a companion novel in her gargoyle series about Tessa Marie Conley; the Austin teen who was trapped in a world of dark magic in the United Kingdom.
Novels and Novellas

Phantom Limb Itch
Released October 6, 2018
This is my journey. because when you’re a gargoyle with strong goddess tendencies, that’s what you do.
Weeks ago, the world as I knew it—as everyone knew it—became a whole different planet. Other things live here, too. Ancient souls breathed right alongside me. Gargoyles, Celtic gods, ethereal water beings, creatures thought only to live in dreams, nightmares, and Fairy tales, fought to hold their ground.
And I am one of them; no longer human. I’d lost myself but gained abilities. I will use them, exploit all I have, for the good if I can just keep breathing. Fate is on my trail and she’s a blithe and deadly hunter.

The Witcher Chime
Released July 31, 2016
Savannah Caleman’s family has been coming apart since the early 1920’s. Now in the late 1980’s the evil plaguing her family dons a suit and tie and introduces himself, giving Savannah an ultimatum—endure endless terror or grant his freedom. She must decide between her sister’s safety and aiding a monster that can’t be identified as an angel or a demon. Either way, Savannah is torn, and takes to single-handedly running the family affairs with precision as she takes care of her sister. Terrifying events play out as the Witcher Place is transformed to a rich estate using old family resources. Releasing a monster to roam at will isn’t a stellar option, no matter the promises he makes. And he’s more than a monster. He knows her innermost thoughts. He’s in her head, becoming the ideal man for her, manipulating her thoughts. But the stains of murder and torment cannot be erased. He has fallen, been shackled in the mine beneath the Colorado mountains, and now has plans to rise once more using Savannah as the key to regain grace. Horror abounds and Savannah turns to distant relatives for answers, fearing her family’s stigma of insanity is real and has spread, caused by an evil as ancient as Genesis.
“I’m a hard sell when it comes to chills. I write scary stuff for a living and, let’s face it, we live in scary times, but THE WITCHER CHIME raised some goosebumps. Mainly because Marie Whittaker (writing as Amity Green) knows how to craft characters you care about. And if you become emotionally connected to the characters, you feel their feelings and share their sense of threat. Overall…a fine read for a creepy night!”—Jonathan Maberry -NY Times Bestseller

Released August 30, 2018
When Tessa Conley earns a scholarship to study in London, she’s locked in an ancient bookstore and transformed into a living, breathing gargoyle in this thrilling dark fantasy tale of magic, myth, and destiny.
She’s finally found a way out. Or so it seems…
Or has she simply traded one cage for another?
A trip to study in the UK triggers the impossible when Tessa Conley learns that beneath the skin and scales she’s not just an ordinary Southern Belle from Austin.
A Celtic demigoddess has fused her existence with Tessa, and much to Fate’s delight, mayhem ensues as Tessa struggles to embrace her new existence as a gargoyle with strong goddess tendencies.
The fight for her life is real.
Tessa’s inner conflict grows with the body count. Is killing still a sin if it’s done in the name of greater good?
Scales. Book One of the epic supernatural Fate and Fire series. Urban fantasy suspense you won’t want to put down.
“With SCALES, newcomer Amity Green kicks off the exciting new FATE AND FIRE series in big way. Wild, creepy, and deeply imaginative dark fantasy. Highly recommended.” —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of V-WARS and GLIMPSE
Short Works


Fiction Foundry Presents: ONE
Released March 27, 2015
ONE…woman pays the ultimate price for a new form of macabre art.
ONE…vote decides the fate of a mall shooter under citizen’s arrest.
ONE…inventive student tries to save his beloved professor in a meddler’s race against time.
ONE…newly-discovered archaeological site in South America holds more than just artifacts for treasure-seekers.
ONE…girl, anxious to have Santa arrive, decorates her tree in a way the neighborhood just can’t seem to look away from.
ONE…erotic indiscretion at a friend’s wedding leads the duo from passion to terror.
ONE…man reasons with his heart to accept what a battered Earth holds in store.
ONE…home for troubled children imprisons siblings, forcing them to enjoy all the finer things in life.
ONE…bullied teenager escapes into a bookstore and discovers some tomes are doorways to more than just the imagination.
ONE…couple learns that in an isolated town religion isn’t a choice, it’s the only option.