
Our mission statement is: “Fiction Foundry is a group of experienced writers, editors, and layout artists coming together to share their work for final peer feedback with the goal of attaining professional publication for every member.” The design of Fiction Foundry is to be an active group focused on professional publication. If members are not submitting, they’re obviously not submitting for publication.


Missing three meetings in six months (that’s 50% of the meetings for the Friday group & 25% of the meetings for the Wednesday group) without an emergency (or going on hiatus) will result in the group reviewing the member’s membership and potentially voting to remove member should anyone call for a vote.

Definition of an emergency: An immediate “unforeseeable” event that must take priority, such as:

The member’s suddenly sick.
A friend/family member’s broken down on the side of the road, etc.. If the member knows about the event ahead of time, then it’s not an emergency.
(note: special arrangements can be made with the group on a case-by-case basis)


Why do we have this rule? Fiction Foundry submitters spend their own money printing copies for fellow members. If those members don’t show, copies are left over meaning wasted money. Remember, the goal here is to produce works that are accepted for professional publication and we can’t do that unless members both edit peer’s work and submit their own.


Members can go on hiatus. If their seat remains vacant for over six months it will become available. Should this happen, the missing member’s information will be moved to an alumnus page until they return.

Alumnus Status

If a person leaves Fiction Foundry their bio is moved to our Alumnus page, including the year(s) they were active in the group.