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W.J. Cherf
W.J. Cherf has always wanted to write a book without footnotes, to tell a fascinating tale that is so real that his avid readers are left puzzled over what was real and what was Memorex. To craft such a tale takes wit, a love of science fiction, and above all a deep reverence for ancient history and archaeology. All of these qualities are stitched together beautifully in his books, because Cherf has been there, dug that. He’s even seen the sun rise from atop the Great Pyramid.
Awards and Acknowledgments

Novels and Novellas

Hallowed Promises: Adventures in Paranormal Archaeology
Released March 28, 2019
With magic there are always unintended consequences……Only a high-adept can minimize them, but even then mistakes are still honestly made. Hallowed Promises is about such unintended consequences, about mistakes made, and the lengths that people will go to in order to right their wrongs.Pride, ego, peer pressure, and disrespect for long-standing traditions can all play a role on the dramatic paranormal stage, just as the rigid adherence to the status quo stifles natural creativity and innovation.Hallowed Promises is the fourth stand-alone book in W.J. Cherf’s series entitled, Adventures in Paranormal Archaeology. It is a thoughtful tale of archaeological discovery, coven espionage and high-diplomacy, and lost love. Once again the Austrian Egyptologist Erik Reissen plays his part, as does the beautiful Egyptian witch Melaina Makris and her husband J.J. Stone, the TIIIS Lictor of Magic and carrier of the First Soul of Creation. As always, the forces of CMES lurk about to muddy the waters, but this time one of their brethren contributes to a potentially positive outcome for the future.

Iron From the Sky
Released January 20, 2019
Did a meteor impact kill a pharaoh? It all began with an engine failure that led to a crash landing. The event and its aftermath were chronicled by two Egyptian hieratic papyri found in Lahun and Buhen. The satellite discovery of the impact site prompted the dispatch of Dr. Joseph Richards, Vesna Gregorieva, and Colonel Cartwright’s security team to the scene. What they found was more than they bargained for. Based upon that present-day foray into the Egyptian desert, a temporal drop of a purely scientific nature was approved by representatives from both the American and Russian Academy of Sciences. Once on the scene, Richards and Gregorieva witness the impact and discover so much more. Iron from the Sky is the last book of award-winning series, The Manuscripts of the Richards’ Trust. For those faithful readers of the five book series, the content of this sixth book falls between book two—Recovery, and book three—The Children of Ptah.

DHAMPIRICA: Adventures in Paranormal Archaeology III
Released December 3, 2018
Vampiric bones remain viable until incinerated…Dhampir, noun, masc. -ica, fem. 1) Progeny of a male vampire and human female. 2) Vampire hunter. Etymology: from Albanian, dham (teeth) and pirë (to drink). Serbian vampijerović, vampirović, and vampirić. See Bosnian lampijerović, with the literal meaning of “vampire’s son.” Wikipedia.Dannica, a dhampirica, occupied a uniquely lonely place between the paranormal and mortal worlds. Many of the former were her prey; none of the latter would accept her.As a young girl, Dannica witnessed her vampiric father take her mother. With her mother lost to her, Dannica dreads facing her father. She doubts what her very nature demands and fears she will not be able to do what she must. Dhampirica is the third book of the series Adventures in Paranormal Archaeology. Archaeologist Erik Reissen investigates a mysterious mound burial and recovers for his Vatican masters the skeletons of two werewolves and the tortured remains of a vampire. For the first time in history, recovered archaeological remains escape from storage! Reissen enlists Dannica to give chase, and ultimately the dhampirica squares her old vow for revenge.

The Magician's Tomb
Released January 18, 2018
The sands could not contain it. An Egyptian stumbled across it. It took an archaeologist to free it. This archaeological adventure story is about Professor Dr. Erik Reissen, Egyptologist, whose team excavated the tomb of a mythological magician named Djedi. Son of Imhotep the famous architect and Neferka the sorceress, Djedi is known through only one papyrus—that is until now. The tomb’s contents, of great cultural value, are coveted by an evil adept named al-Razzuli, who must possess them at any cost. Lucky beyond imagination because of the greed of an archaeological official, al-Razzuli acquires one artifact and with it threatens to change the paranormal landscape. But upon learning of the vast cache of magical papyri later discovered, he must now have them all. Opposing al-Razzuli are the members of his Caireen enclave of Hidden Folk, and the agents of a shadowy paranormal Vatican organization. Standing in the middle is Reissen, who just wants to publish the site. But these opposing forces drag him into a confrontation that changes his life forever.

I Am the Storm: JJ Stone vol.3
Released October 11, 2017
Since earliest antiquity CMES—Consilium magorum et sagarum, The Council of Magicians and Witches, held sway over the paranormal communities of the earth. Their self-centered agenda of power and dominion, and blatant use of dark magic, chafed those allied to them and not. For almost as long TIIIS—The International Integrated Interface Society, while vexed by CMES’ oppression, never found itself in a position to challenge it. That all changed when J.J. Stone, the carrier of The First Soul of Creation, became their new Lictor of Magic and champion for good. I Am the Storm is the final installment of The Adventures of J.J. Stone. In it, Stone, now a well-seasoned soldier-magician and defender of good versus evil, overcomes several challenges and, in the end, vanquishes CMES. Now so cowed, an uneasy peace settles upon the paranormal world.

Released April 18, 2017
The Adventures of a Demon Slayer Since earliest antiquity CMES—Consilium magorum et sagarum, The Council of Magicians and Witches, held sway over the paranormal communities of the earth. Their self-centered agenda of power and dominion, and blatant use of dark magic, chafed those allied to them and not. For almost as long TIIIS—The International Integrated Interface Society, while vexed by CMES’ oppression, never found itself in a position to challenge it. That all changed when J.J. Stone, the carrier of The First Soul of Creation, became their new Lictor of Magic and champion for good. The Lictor of Magic, the second installment of The Adventures of J.J. Stone, chronicles Stone’s arduous training that transforms him from a U.S. Marine into a soldier-magician. Stone’s early career takes place against the backdrop of a vicious power struggle between the forces of good and evil, where he quickly learns that the true enemy is dark magic, demons, and those possessed by them.

Released July 29, 2016
It all began with a simple touch. At the Battle of Nasiriyah, U.S. Marine Sergeant J. J. Stone’s life flat out changed. Ducking enemy fire, he fell into a mortar crater and stumbled across an artifact. Curious, Stone touched it. Big mistake, for the soul of a Sumerian took possession of him. Fortunately, this ancient soul was on a worthy quest–to find his wife’s remains. As if that weren’t enough, Stone didn’t know his importance to the cosmic order, until told by an emissary of a primordial being. Stone learns that he carries the First Soul of Creation, has mind-blowing potential, but age-old responsibilities–many of them quite formidable. Stone, in essence, is a semi-divine being, warts and all. But don’t tell him that to his face. The First Soul, the first book of a new paranormal adventure series, chronicles the beginning of a Marine’s personal journey of self-discovery in a mortal world that isn’t quite what it seems–a vast and complex paranormal battleground where evil must be met head on, be it dark magic, demons, or those possessed by them.

Released June 4, 2014
V.B. Gregorieva, a Russian temporal field agent who secretly works for the Russian and American Academies of Science, tells all in her memoir, Maatkare, Memoirs of a Time Traveler. She, in concert with her American colleague, is tasked to preserve our present reality. First in ancient Egypt as Maatkare, they executed a dangerous psychotic alien hybrid posing as a pharaoh. Then, in Philadelphia as Lieutenant Valerie Gregg, they failed to rescue four lost seamen in 1942. Finally, as Veer “the Bloody” in eighth century France, the team stopped an Iranian attempt to alter the course of Western European Civilization. While several national entities attempted to steal the temporal technology, it would be America’s own politicians, who would shut down the project.

Released June 27, 2013
During the early 1990s, an Austrian Egyptologist found a hidden doorway beneath the Step Pyramid Complex at Sakkara. Little did he realize that he had discovered not only one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of Egyptology, but also an alien artifact that was meant to be shared with all mankind. And Egyptologist and temporal field agent Joseph Richards knows who gave it to us. Then, in 2010, an Iranian agent catches wind of a conversation at an international congress that led him to conclude that the two Great Satans, the Americans and Russians, have traveled back in history – many times. As a consequence, the Iranians, wishing to mold the course of Western History for Islam’s benefit, stole from Horizon Pass the plans of their temporal device – the Soap Bubble. With their own temporal device operational, the Iranians send an assassination team back to the eighth century to alter a macro-historical event. Learning of this, Horizon Pass sends back their own team of Gregorieva and Richards to foil the attempt. You now hold the Fourth Manuscript of the Richards’ Trust, which has been authorized for publication by the posthumous wishes of Egyptologist Joseph William Richards.

Released December1, 2011
Egyptologist Joseph Richards stumbled across something that simply set his mind ablaze. His hypothesis was so contrary that if it became public his banishment from the academic world would be assured.
Simultaneously, highly classified evidence lent credence to Richard’s position, which ultimately allowed him and his partner Gregorieva to venture back farther in time than any had ever attempted before – all in search of a man named Ptah.
Meanwhile, there are others who secretly covet the Soap Bubble technology, who are willing to do whatever it takes to get it, and who even tried to steal it – twice.
Children of Ptah. The Third Manuscript of the Richards’ Trust completes the temporal adventure trilogy of Professor Joseph Richards.

Released April 10, 2020
On July 15, 1359 BC a distress call was transmitted into deep space… On Christmas Eve 310 AD, relatively speaking, the distress call was received and a salvage crew dispatched… On March 24, 1965 an anomaly was first detected by the Ranger IX spacecraft and was subsequently confirmed by the Orbiter I and III platforms… On November 11, 1969 the anomaly was recovered by NASA’s Apollo XII crew… On May 13, 1994 a new asteroid, a NEA – a near-Earth asteroid, was first detected… The word recovery is indeed one pregnant with meaning and in the final analysis one must ask: who truly is recovering what? Was it NASA’s Apollo XII crew? Or was it the salvage mission of the Aten’s rightful owners? Recovery continues the temporal adventures of Egyptologist Joseph Richards. This is the second manuscript published by the Richards’ Trust in accordance with the posthumous wishes of Joseph William Richards, Ph.D.

Released April 11, 2020
Not until the evidence was uncovered by tomb robbers in the 1870s would we have ever known. Then with the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb in the 1920s, even more hints beckoned readily at hand. But as with so many things in life, critical clues often go unnoticed until science, accident, and intrigue collide.
That collision was initiated by a Polish archaeologist who received permission to collect DNA samples from a group of royal mummies at the Cairo National Museum in 1973. A tragic victim of the Yom Kippur War, his samples sat dormant gathering dust until they were found and processed in 1998.
Meanwhile during the early 1970s an international team noticed, while x-raying the same mummy collection, some extremely unexpected physiological details among several of them.
The radiological and chromosomal evidence proved to be equally disquieting. When taken together, they argued for the introduction of a unique genetic anomaly into the human genome during the Egyptian late Eighteenth Dynasty. The source was extraterrestrial.
Bow Tie chronicles how an international scientific effort resolved the situation by using a most unusual means for prosecuting a most unscrupulous task – time travel and murder.
This is the first manuscript published by the Richards’ Trust in accordance with the posthumous wishes of Egyptologist Joseph William Richards, Ph.D.
“…an Indiana Jones meets Dr. Who-style adventure that is every bit as wild as it appears on the surface.” “…the story can prove a wordy slog at times, though it does so in the tradition of sci-fi adventure writers like Michael Crichton.” — Kirkus Reviews